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Soul-Scar Mage

Serie: Amonkhet (AKH)

Rarity: Rare Amonkhet Rare

Komt voor in

Serie Normaal Foil
Soul-Scar Mage | Amonkhet


€ 4,50



€ 9,95

 Reactie plaatsen
27-5-2017 01:02:00

Ja. Immers de schade van Shock wordt door elk van beide Mages omgezet naar -1/-1 counters.

27-5-2017 00:47:00

als ik hier 2 van heb liggen.
En ik speel een Shock op een creature. Krijgt deze dan ook 4x een -1/-1 counter?

Volgens mij wel toch?

Premium lid Alwin (2) Offline Profiel Stuur persoonlijk bericht
28-4-2017 23:15:00

Heeft iemand m al foil? Volgens mij errug mooi


Creature - Human Wizard 1 / 2

If a source you control would deal noncombat damage to a creature an opponent controls, put that many -1/-1 counters on that creature instead.


Legal in: Vintage, Legacy, Modern, Commander

Officiele rulings

If an effect causes a creature you control to fight a creature an opponent controls, the damage is dealt simultaneously. For instance, if your 2/2 creature fights an opponent’s 4/4 creature, your creature will be dealt 4 damage and your opponent’s creature will have two -1/-1 counters put on it.

If a spell or ability an opponent controls causes a source you control to deal noncombat damage to a creature an opponent controls, that damage will be replaced with -1/-1 counters.

Soul-Scar Mage’s effect isn’t a prevention effect. Damage that can’t be prevented will be replaced with -1/-1 counters.

If multiple prevention and/or replacement effects are trying to apply to the same damage, the controller of the creature that would be dealt damage chooses the order in which to apply them. As examples, an opponent could choose to apply the effect of Djeru’s Resolve and prevent the damage rather than put -1/-1 counters on it; or an opponent could choose to convert the damage to -1/-1 counters before Insult could double it, and then Insult’s effect won’t apply anymore.
